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Beauty from Within

overcoming fear (please click on words for complete message )

Have you ever wanted to speak up in class or with a group of people then hesitate. You are scared of others responses? Or think you are not as informed on the subject, but won't ask for more clarity? So the moment passes. Now you begin the self questioning... "Why didn't I just say something? " Even worse, belittling yourself.

Have an idea to do something outside of your norm? Then think of all the reasons why it won't work, so you don't even try. I call that stinky thinking. What you think matters. WHO YOU ARE matters.

I have had to often stop myself from those stinky thoughts. As a teacher I noticed my special need students, who are just special to me. Their actions helped me to notice myself when in similar situations. The students who asked the question were no more smarter than the other students. In fact, some had more challenges than most of the other students. The other students often had the same question in their minds. I realized those who asked seemed to care more about gaining better clarity than the reaction of the others. I saw the less vocal students would in some way acknowledge the student positively who spoke up to ask. They would then begin to make their own inquiries. It embolden them to dare ask? I thought to myself, ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE> even GOD give instructions, first you have to ask before you receive?

During this discussion on why some chose to be silent? Some had imagined being laugh at. I explained my duties as a teacher to provide instruction in ways they could understand. I needed them to ask questions. As with most relationships asking questions opens the door to better communications.

Their fears and imaging the worse prevented these students from speaking up. How often was I in similar circumstances? Change your attitude change your life. Change your perception change your outcome.

I gave instruction to define the words master, fear, courage and self confident.

Afterward, I asked the question, "Who was their master? Fear could hinder and weaken your self confidence, limit your opportunities. Courage to ask questions inspite of your fears could build self-confidence and widen your opportunities. It is a choice. Either allow fear or courage to speak up would determine who would be your master.

I concluded different situations fear can act as a needed signal to remove themselves from dangerous, harmful situations and people. The same rule applies to decide to make the right call.


Don't let fear leave you with the question, What if............?