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Just like Mary J. Blige, I start my day using a mantra for me to focus on my many blessings that first start with me. I even have a cologne called Beautiful. Every time I use it I repeat the above mantra. I see the beauty in who I am today. I appreciate my past both positive and the most challenging of times, no regrets, bitterness, having to come to a better understanding of myself and others. Forgiveness is a process. I learned it is not always immediate because I say or think the words "I forgive....." .

Sometimes, I had to keep going over in my mind how I and/or the other party got to this place or experience needing forgiveness. Often these words " hurt people hurt other people" have come to my mind. I had to look at my part or the other party until no feelings of shame, anger, fear or whatever emotions comes with that particular moment in time. I did the work, not always immediately after, some of my stuff happened years ago. Yet, I carried the feelings like a heavy weighted bag. Sometimes not even recognizing how that weight was effecting my life. When I finally addressed my feelings and past experiences either in talking with a friend who allowed my words to be expressed with no judgment or even advise, just listened or with therapy, meditation, and journal writing. Hallejeah! I finally got to the moments of fogiveness when thinking of those times no longer feeling anything and letting it go. I felt lighter. Holding all the pain, anger, fear, thinking of myself as a victim was robbing me of my peace, my true beauty of accepting and loving ME. I AM truly beautiful, living an abundant life not because of my style of clothes or hair, money, or social standing. It's because I am so blessed, grateful for my life's journey. I conclude my daily mantra with an ancestral and spiritual knowledge of my loved ones and my spiritual guides are surrounding me every day.

"I am loved, guided, protected and obedient to my righteous spirit guide, my ancestors and spiritual loved ones". Now I go about my day in blessed assurance. Peace abide